Filosofiquiz – sjekk hva du kan
Sjekk din kunnskap om filosofi, med disse syv spørsmålene. Hvis du blir inspirert til å lese filosofi, så er det helt supert! Eksempelvis kan du lese eller høre Bhagvad Gita.
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Denne passer ekstra godt med presidentvalget i USA! Sjekk hvorfor. Selv om den ble laget til et arrangement med yogalærerne på YogaYoga.
Noen forklaringer:
BG nr: Bhagavad Gita vers nr
YS nr: Yoga Sutras av Patanjali vers nr
Yogah Chttavrtti nirodahah | ||
Sattvisk | ||
I pusteøvelse: Ikke sove, ikke tenke, da er en | ||
Atma | ||
….people are drawn to spicy, hot, bitter, salty, acidic, and burning food. Like the people who eat it, this food produce pain, grief, and disease, and hinder spiritual attainment. BG 17, 9 | ||
Alle yogalærerne på YogaYoga | ||
They arrogantly proclaim ”I wanted this or that and I got it! Tomorrow I will get more. These riches are mine, and I will spend my life making more and more. I have destroyed this and that enemy, and I will get rid of the rest of them. I am indeed mighty. I am ruler of my domain. I love having things of the world. I am successful, powerful and rich. Who can compare to me? I will buy my way, make lawish contributions to the poor and weak, and revel in my own goodness” That is how far blindness and ignorance has eaten into their soul. BG 16, 13-15 | ||
Rajasisk | ||
I avspenning: Hvis man sover er man | ||
PYS 1.2 | ||
The person who knows the ………… has conquered the senses and is calm under all circumstances – that person has climbed to the summit of human consciousness. That yoga considers a clod of mud, a stone, or a gold nugget with the same equal-mindness. Worldly people pursue earthly things; godly only pursue the Divine | ||
Noen sier det ligner på kvaliteter til Donald Trumph | ||
Veldig interessert i yogafilosofi | ||
Tamasisk |
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