Doshas – den psykologiske karakteristikken
Her er enda en liten smak på et veldig omfattende system, Ayurveda. Jeg håper disse små artiklene øker din forståelse og interesse for Ayurveda.
Dette er et fantastisk system som kan bedre din egen helse, ofte med små tiltak.
Når man er i ubalanse, kan det ende opp med sykdom. Å angripe ubalansen – mer enn sykdommen direkte – vil gi et godt, sunt liv. Å angripe ubalansen må gjøres i forhold til hvilken dosha du er. Det deles opp i tre typer: Vata, Pitta og Kapha.
Vi er alle en blanding av disse tre doshas; det er vanlig at en eller to er dominante hos en person, ut av de tre.
Den PSYKOLOGISKE korte beskrivelsen av de tre doshaene presenterer jeg her. Dette er en god indisk beskrivelse; de pakker ikke inn fakta. Men, han starter med å forklare forutsetningene:
Sitat fra «Ayurveda, the science of self-healing» av Dr. Vasant Lad:
“It is important to remember that these descriptions reflect the pure aspect of each constitutional element; however, no individual constitution is made up solely of any one element. Rather, each person is a combination of all three elements, with a predominant tendency towards one or more.
The reader is therefore cautioned not to draw strong or definite conclusions about himself or herself based on these fundamental descriptions. “
Psychologically, they are characterized by short memory but quick mental understanding. They will understand something immediately, but will soon forget it. They have little willpower, tend toward mental instability and possess little tolerance, confidence or boldness. Their reasoning power is weak and these people are nervous, fearful and afflicted by much anxiety.
Psychologically, pitta people have a good power of comprehension; they are very intelligent and sharp and tend to be good orators. They have emotional tendencies towards hate, anger and jealousy.
Psychologically, they tend to be tolerant, calm, forgiving and loving; however, they also exhibit traits of greed, attachment, envy and possessiveness. Their comprehension is slow but definite; once they understand something, that knowledge is retained.”
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